There ain’t no party like a Soccer
Buddies party!

Get ready to PARTY! Your child will have a ball with our fun games, parachute, playing soccer, chasing aliens, and more!
Our energetic coaches bring the fun with a personalized celebration tailored to your child’s age. We’ll handle everything from setup to clean-up so you can enjoy a stress-free day.
Party options are available for children aged 15 months - 12 years.
Parties include:
50 minutes of SUPER FUN with our fun-filled, experienced coaches
40 minutes for cake and presents. Our coach will get involved, singing along and handing out gifts if you wish
Paper plates, cups, napkins so you don’t need to worry
A free birthday shirt for the birthday child
Free class coupons for your friends to put in their goody bags
Parties are $250. Includes up to 15 kids with one coach or add a second coach for $45.
We do all the work, so you can have ALL THE FUN!
Plus, you can party at our place or yours! We can kick off a party anywhere! Parks, churches, gyms, or even your own backyard.
Fill out the form below for more information or to schedule your event.
Interested in giving us a try? Come kick it with us in a FREE soccer class. Call us at 719-330-9642 or email us at to schedule your FREE class today.