What to Feed Your Child Athlete

Through all of the hustle and bustle of life, it is important to keep your child nourished before and after the busy activities like SOCCER. Soccer Buddies will push your kiddos to work all of their muscles within one class! Kids need to replenish their energy through the food they eat during the day so that they continue to excel in their extracurricular activities. Here are a few tips to keep in mind as you feed your young athlete:


There is a reason breakfast is considered the most important meal of the day. Your child’s breakfast should include carbs and protein. Good choices for the early morning meal would be oatmeal, cereal, toast, waffles, or pancakes as the carbs AND eggs, sausage, yogurt, or a glass of milk as a healthy source of protein. Eating a well-rounded breakfast will keep your child alert and ready for the day!


Athletes are constantly working their muscles and eating protein is the best way to help those muscles grow. Make sure your child is eating a source of protein with each meal and even within their snacks. This can be something as simple as celery and peanut butter or trail mix as a good snacking option. Look for the non-animal sources of protein if your child is a picky eater! Beans, nuts, quinoa, green peas, and broccoli all provide protein to build strong muscles.

Hydration, Hydration, Hydration!

Young athletes need to be drinking water ALL day, not just during practice. Monitoring your child’s fluids before practice will help prevent dehydration and early exhaustion. Your child should be drinking fluids with each meal as well as in-between. If you forget to bring your child’s water bottle to practice, it is very important that they make trips to the water fountain when needed. If your child is sweating, they need to be drinking water!


Athletes need to eat their meals in a timely manner for proper digestion. Give your kids enough time to eat and digest before practice. The body normally needs at least 2 hours to fully digest a meal, so please plan accordingly! Small snacks are okay before practice but make sure there is enough time for your child’s stomach to settle. If your child is feeling sick or is not hungry after exercise, they could be eating too close to practice time.

Keeping these tips in mind will help keep your athlete energized and HAPPY during practice. Kids who have FUN at soccer STAY in soccer!

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