Soccer Skills Drills to Practice at Home

Soccer is a sport that requires a mix of physical fitness, technical skill, and tactical awareness. While team practices are essential, kids can also significantly improve their skills by practicing at home. In this blog post, we'll provide a guide for simple and fun soccer drills that young players can do in their own backyard. These exercises focus on dribbling and ball control, passing and shooting techniques, and incorporate fun games to keep practice engaging.

Dribbling and Ball Control Exercises

1. Cone Dribbling Drill

Equipment Needed:

  • 5-10 cones (or any small, easily movable objects)

  • Soccer ball


  1. Set up cones in a straight line, about 1-2 feet apart.

  2. Have your child dribble the ball through the cones, weaving in and out as quickly as possible.

  3. Encourage them to use both feet and different parts of their feet (inside, outside, sole).

  4. Time each run and challenge them to beat their previous time.

Game Situation Benefit: Improves close ball control, agility, and the ability to navigate through defenders.

2. Toe Taps

Equipment Needed:

  • Soccer ball


  1. Place the soccer ball in front of your child.

  2. Have them alternate tapping the top of the ball with the sole of each foot.

  3. Start slowly, then increase speed as they become more comfortable.

  4. Aim for at least 50 taps without losing control of the ball.

Game Situation Benefit: Enhances foot coordination and ball control, essential for maintaining possession under pressure.

Dribbling and Ball Control Exercises

3. Wall Passes

Equipment Needed:

  • Soccer ball

  • Wall or sturdy surface


  1. Have your child stand about 5-10 feet away from the wall.

  2. Instruct them to pass the ball against the wall using the inside of their foot.

  3. Focus on making accurate passes and receiving the ball cleanly.

  4. Try one-touch passes for added difficulty.

Game Situation Benefit: Develops passing accuracy, receiving skills, and reaction time.

4. Target Practice

Equipment Needed:

  • Soccer ball

  • Targets (cones, buckets, or chalk circles on a wall)


  1. Set up multiple targets at different distances and heights.

  2. Have your child aim and shoot at each target, using both feet.

  3. Start with stationary shots, then progress to shots taken while moving.

  4. Keep score to make it competitive and fun.

Game Situation Benefit: Improves shooting accuracy and power, crucial for scoring goals in matches.

Fun Games That Incorporate Skill-Building

5. Soccer Obstacle Course

Equipment Needed:

  • Cones, chairs, or any obstacles

  • Soccer ball


  1. Create an obstacle course using cones, chairs, or other items.

  2. Include elements like dribbling around cones, passing through gates, and shooting into a small goal.

  3. Time your child as they navigate the course and challenge them to improve their time with each attempt.

Game Situation Benefit: Combines multiple skills (dribbling, passing, shooting) in a fun, competitive setting, promoting overall skill development.

6. Keepy-Uppy Challenge

Equipment Needed:

  • Soccer ball


  1. Have your child try to keep the ball in the air using their feet, thighs, and head.

  2. Start with a goal of 5 keepy-uppies and gradually increase the target.

  3. For added fun, challenge family members to see who can keep the ball in the air the longest.

Game Situation Benefit: Enhances ball control, coordination, and focus, important for maintaining possession and handling high balls during games.


Practicing soccer skills at home doesn't have to be a chore—it can be a fun and engaging way for kids to improve their abilities. These simple drills and games focus on dribbling, passing, and shooting, all essential elements of the game. By incorporating these exercises into their routine, young players can build confidence, enhance their skills, and be better prepared for game situations. At Soccer Buddies, we encourage our players to practice regularly and enjoy the process of becoming better athletes. Happy practicing!

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